On Changing perspective through the acceptance of condemnation…
1: 2 It is easy for the ego to dominate our existence. We are constantly looking for a slight or hint of disrespect. As though allowing contempt from another will lessen our value or stature. 1: 3 Ultimately, we are all insignificant; even the Pharaohs of Egypt are now forgotten. So it is certainly true of us, a hundred years from now, no one, not even our ancestors, will care if we lived.
1: 4 We must stop looking at the humble and oppressed as in competition with us. We must look at everyone for what they are, for what we are, condemned souls, being reborn continuously. 1: 5 Sympathy for the humble and oppressed is what we must show, look at those who show respect to others and act with humility, feel a kinship with them. We are all in this together.
1: 6 Realize that terrible things will happen; suffering is why we are here. Happiness and pleasure are fleeting. 1: 7 Physical and mental pain is the default setting for life. You are not alone; we all have to endure. Gain and give strength from and to others. When possible, help others. This may end up alleviating your pain.
1: 8 Understanding that we are reincarnated eternally and must endure the suffering of many different lives, helps us develop insight and perspective. 1: 9 Never take for granted time without pain, without suffering. Some reincarnations will be better than others, just as we can look around in this life and see people in varying circumstances. 1: 10 Never take anything for granted; we have no idea what the next moment or reincarnation will bring.