Perspective from enlightenment-Summit of Mount Democrat, Colorado-Photo by JEV
2: 1 Realization of, or the search for, absolute truth is essential. There is truth or what I would call “an accurate account” in every facet of life.
2: 2 Human culture is full of varying degrees of right and wrong, morality and expediencies.
However, there is always the bottom line correctness or truth somewhere, in everything.
2: 3 Acceptance is the internalization of a truth. This can be the acceptance of a truthful fact, for example, the Catholic church finally admitting the Earth was not the center of the universe. 2: 4 Or it could be a spiritual or life truth. Such as understanding, internalizing, and practicing a code of ethics, or becoming aware of the true meaning and purpose of existence, allowing the self to be liberated from doubt is enlightenment.
2: 5 Letting go of the dogma, propaganda, indoctrination, and socialization, searching for, and accepting the truth, a truth that has been proven credibly. 2: 6 Here lies the problem, to make accurate decisions in a world of purposeful misinformation a special skill is needed. 2: 7 The skill that the propaganda factories of the Power Elite do not want you to possess, critical thinking. 2: 8 Unbiased research into well-chosen credible sources is the only way to reach an accurate realization of the “accurate account.”
2: 9 And yes, this realization may be painful, but it frees the soul. Coming to grips with what the world is, and is not, liberates, and enlightens.
2: 10 That being said, the truth can also be found through observation and experience. Certain elements of what I perceive as reality lead me to believe through observation and critical thought, that our circumstances here point toward eternal punishment. 2: 11 Much of this book is dedicated to how and why this makes sense from the perspective of what life holds and shows us. 2: 12 However, the specifics ultimately do not matter, we do not have to know everything nor shall we. If we are reborn over and over and do not remember the last life, we will never be able to grasp the eternal cycle. 2: 13 So only this incarnation matters, here and now, acceptance of damnation is enlightenment, in that we are freed to see others in empathetic and familiar terms. 2: 14
We can do what is right just because it is right.
We do not have to impress God or base our existence on a reward that is promised after death. 2: 15 Enlightenment is knowing, not speculating, we see our predicament and we make the most of it. Living by the Nos Liberalis beliefs, doctrine, and philosophy will lead to enlightenment. 2: 16 Nothing is asked for, not a declaration of faith, no confirmation classes, and certainly no money. Just the realization of truth, and how this truth liberates and enlightens.