On the profound impact of an exceptional few…
11: 2 People often profess “our” exceptionalism and unrivaled technological accomplishments as a species.
11: 3 However, Crediting all of humankind for any of these advancements is certainly generous. 11: 4 In reality, a very remarkable and minuscule cadre deserves acclamation. This small group has essentially picked up humanity, put us on their shoulders, and carried us forward. Often with the multitudes kicking and screaming the whole way.
11: 5 There is a reason ignorance runs rampant, partly because of a lack of education, and partly because of the intentional spread of misinformation. 11: 6 Religion is a primary culprit behind the movement to undercut science, education, and progress for all. 11: 7 For example, the Catholic Church would persecute any free thinker who looked outside scripture for answers.11: 8 If a theory clashed with the Bible, it would be banned, and the author labeled a heretic. 11: 9 Furthermore, in modern times the influence of Religion is a significant obstacle standing in the way of equal rights for women, ethnic groups, and orientations.
11: 10 Religion calls into question physics, evolution, medicine, and biology. 11: 11 It seems Dark Age Europe, where very few could read, and even fewer were capable of critical thought, is where the major religions would like us to return.
11: 12 However, even with the weight of the religious yoke on their backs and threats to their lives over their heads, a few stubborn souls persevered and moved humanity forward by sheer force of will. 11: 13 While the mobs are herded like sheep into pens by their masters, the exceptional few have saved our human spirit and collective intellectual freedom. 11: 14 “Our” advancements are the result of the genius, bravery, and talents of a very few. The rest of us reap the benefits of what was sown by others as we wander the Earth with absolutely no self-awareness.