Rogue Substancia
Possible habitat for a rogue Substancia (ghost or spirit)-photo by JEV
2: 1 As I have postulated paranormal activity can be explained by the searching, frustration, or anger of a rogue subsatancia. 2: 2 A ghost, spirit, or apparition is a substancia that is separated from its Capsa. 2: 3 The Substancia encompasses the details of many lives, this portion of the soul could believe it is in any time, immersed in any of its many lives. 2: 4 Additionally, it lacks the broad self-awareness that comes with the Capsa. A rogue Substancia could behave in any way, helpful, malevolent, passive, or aggressive. 2: 5 Although there are other phenomena that can cause paranormal activity like The Spirit or the Dark Monk an overwhelming majority of cases are Substancia.
2: 6 Not until I started to think back and re-examine my life was there a realization of the extent of what could be construed as paranormal experiences. 2: 7 No one instance made me think seriously about being perceptive to, or followed by, paranormal activity. 2: 8 However, looking back over decades I was surprised at the number of incidents that I remember. Many of my brushes with the paranormal I admit are just feelings, I have never seen a full-bodied apparition or even a partial-bodied one. 2: 9 Most of my experiences are feelings or fitful dreams. However, I do believe that there were clear manifestations in my psyche from proximity to these forces. 2: 10 I began exhibiting obsessive-compulsive behaviors after one such “feeling” and 15 years’ worth of panic attacks after another.
2: 11 1978, Springfield, Illinois
Me, my mom, my brother, and stepdad were staying at my step-grandmother’s house, we called her Grandma B. 2: 12 I was upstairs in this massive old house that was once used as a bed and breakfast. While I was changing into my swimming trunks the bedroom door, which I know was shut and believed to be latched, opened all the way. 2: 13 Stayed open for about 15-20 seconds and then closed with a slam. I was beside myself with fear, I could not put my trunks on and get out of the room fast enough. 2: 14 Of course, when I told of the incident it was blamed on the wind, it’s always the wind.
2: 15 1979, Columbia, South Carolina
We lived at 2135 Crest Hill Dr. A ranch-style home, with no basement, and a carport. 2: 16 In the backyard was an old twisted tree. I had a pet rabbit in a cage at the base of that tree. 2: 17 Every morning I would get up and feed said rabbit. This is where my first symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder began. 2: 18 I would have a hopeless dark feeling by the tree, in an attempt to alleviate this feeling I would open and close the cage for several seconds in an attempt to keep the bad from happening, I however do not know what the bad was. 2: 19 The neighborhood, from my perspective, had a dark aura about it. I heard stories about suicides that happened on the street, but I have no proof of any of these stories. 2: 20 However, across the street lived a family, three kids all close to my age and their parents. One day at Joseph Keels Elementary School, all three kids were called to the office over the intercom, I thought nothing of it. 2: 21 When school was let out I walked home, as I rounded the corner and looked up the hill toward my house I saw fire and rescue, ambulances, and a hearse. 2: 22 I panicked, I thought it was my mom or brother. I ran to my house, they were fine, but the man across the street had committed suicide in his bedroom.
2: 23 The kids were gone a long time after that, I remember them coming back to school weeks later. 2: 24 Once after the suicide, we were all playing in the street in front of our houses, all three kids ran to their backyard and were gone for several minutes. I naturally was curious about what they were doing so I walked into the backyard, all three were staring at a headboard propped up against their house.
2: 25 The headboard had holes in it, I assume from the gunshot that had taken their father’s life. 2: 26 My mom also told me that the bloody mattress was also put outside, however, I do not remember it.
2: 27 1986, Ft. Collins, Colorado
My paternal grandmother Alice lived with me, my dad, and my stepmom for the last year of her life. 2: 28 She ended up going to a nursing home about a month before her passing. One night after her death I woke from sleep, my door was closed but there was a light reflecting off the wall below my window. 2: 29 I was confused. I had never noticed this light before so I tried to move my hand around it and cause a shadow to determine its source, but I could not. 2: 30 I never saw it again after that night. This incident caused me a lot of stress, I had a hard time sleeping for days after, I was scared I would wake up to my grandmother standing over me.
2: 31 1989, Flandreau, South Dakota
I lived with my maternal grandparents from 1987 until I went into the military in 1991, minus the time I was going to college. 2: 32 The house was old. I think it was built in the 1920s or 30s. When I was alone in the house I always got a strange feeling and when leaving, I always felt I was not going to make it to the door in time, that something was closing in on me from behind. 2: 33 Now 30 years later I have dreams about that house and those feelings. Overactive imagination? Probably. 2: 34 However one night I woke up with a feeling of doom like I was dying, I went into my grandparent’s room and tried to explain what I was feeling. Surprisingly it seemed they understood, they gave me a pillow and a blanket and I lay down on the floor next to their bed until it passed. 2: 35 This would be a foreshadowing of things to come. My first panic attack, or a feeling of the dark, of the other side.
2: 36 1994, Columbus, Georgia
I used to date a woman in the Army, she was an instructor at the Airborne school at Ft. Benning. 2: 37 Sometimes I would spend the night at her house, she would always get up at 4:00 and leave to go to work. So I would be there by myself in her apartment. 2: 38 On three or four different occasions I would have what seemed to be a dream about a boy viciously attacking me. 2: 39 I have no idea who the child was or why he was attacking me. I can remember waking up and being so frightened I would grab my things and leave as fast as I could. 2: 40 Finally, I refused to stay there by myself. I have never had another experience like that, it felt real, it was terrifying and it only happened in that one place.
2: 41 1996, Tongduchon, South Korea
I was in the Air Force stationed at Camp Casey, Republic of Korea. We were young and full of all kinds of bad behavior, especially heavy drinking. 2: 42 We had the crazy belief that because there were 54,000 American deaths in the Korean War, it was somehow the indigenous population’s fault and that we were special because we were an army stationed there to protect them. 2: 43 This belief was of course total bullshit. I am very ashamed, but me and my buddies would get drunk and urinate on old Korean burial mounds, as some twisted retribution for the Americans that had died there. 2: 44 At the beginning of 1996 riding on a train from Dongducheon to Uijeongbu, I developed the same feeling as 7 years earlier at my grandparent’s house. 2: 45 It lasted for three days this time. After going to the ER three times it was diagnosed as a panic attack. I was ultimately told I had panic disorder with major depression and put on medication. 2: 46 I now believe it was spirit attachment. A response to my disrespectful and blasphemous behavior. My life was changed by this, I finally had to leave the Air Force and for the next 15 years, I had panic attacks almost daily, and spent my prime as a drunk afraid of everything.
2: 47 2000-2012, Aurora, Colorado
I suffered from panic attacks and depression throughout this time. I self-medicated with alcohol and I was drunk much of the time, and always on the weekends. 2: 48 I lived in an apartment complex that was probably built in the early 1980s. Panic attacks were almost a daily occurrence and at times I would drive to the hospital and just sit in the parking lot, waiting for the medical emergency I was sure was coming. 2: 49 A lot of the time I would be blindsided by the panic attack, I would be sitting around feeling fine, then the dark feeling and the waves of panic would start out of nowhere. 2: 50 Other times I would be awakened in the middle of the night by an indescribable feeling of doom or fear. Like something dark was passing through my bedroom. 2: 51 I had a cat at the time and he would usually be on my bed, I would look and see if he was agitated because I figured the cat would feel the paranormal before I would. He never seemed to feel it. 2: 52 I believe the trigger for my panic attacks and the strange middle-of-the-night feelings were caused by rogue Substancias, pieces of other’s, souls.
2: 53 Before I moved out a discussion with one of the building maintenance staff made my suspicions concrete. He told me of four occasions of either murder, suicide, or murder-suicide that happened in the complex. He would not, however, tell me in which apartments they had happened.