The Sun shining like ONE over the damnation of humanity-somewhere over the Italian Alps-Photo by JEV
3: 1 Nos Liberalis, We The Damned, postulates that we are condemned eternally for our past transgressions in the first incarnation. 3: 2 These transgressions include; our self-separation from creation, the worship of ourselves, the deification of a few over the rest, the destruction of nature, and the zealous eradication of hunter-gatherer society in the name of progress and religion. 3: 3 The Creator has sealed our fate, this is clear, but what if there is salvation hidden in plain sight? 3: 4 Could there arise a Messiah? A lone redeemer liberating our souls in spite of the eternal punishment of the Creator.
3: 5 We are damned, but, over many lifetimes could we gain the knowledge and insight to become, or create the power to change the fate levied by the Creator, neutralize the Dark Monk, and pacify The Spirit?
3: 6 Although eternal reincarnation into the Bastille is a punishment, could The Bastille also be the incubator and catalyst for ONE, to become, or create, or inspire the flowering of an entirely new reality in contrast to the Creator’s decree, using the power of the Creator’s original intention for us?
3: 7 The Creator’s original expectation was for us to be the sentience of the living breathing Earth, a protector infused with the power of the Spirit and the consciousness of every entity on our planet.
3: 8 Bigger than any singular individual, a true ONE-ness, hurdling through space-time. True power resides here on Earth, inside The Bastille, potential, kinetic, and spiritual.
3: 9 ONE would become the conduit for the application of this power and also the responsible applicator of the unmeasurable might of the consolidated Earth. 3: 10 To achieve this we first need to retrace the steps of the ancients, the hunter-gatherers, these are the peoples that lived as the Creator wanted. 3: 11 The path to forced redemption will be found in their way of life and their teachings. 3: 12 ONE like the Dark Monk will be a Shaman. The power to transcend the Bastille will be the realization of Nos Liberalis and the re-learning of the ancient secrets and the harnessing of ancient power.
The Three Gates
3: 13 ONE stops the extinction event, by making the Dark Monk irrelevant. The Dark Monk controls people and events through influence and manipulation. ONE will be influentially more powerful, thereby unlocking the Bastille. 3: 14 The Animus Cloud then becomes, through quantum entanglement, a body of all experience, all memory, all-knowing, no death, and no bodily rebirth. 3: 15 In this conglomerate Capsa and Substancia as we know them will be no more. However, individuality will remain, and the memory and wisdom of all incarnations will be part of our identities. Our souls and the echoes of our lives will forever be contained in the fabric of space-time. We will all be tied together; every animal or tree that has ever lived will have its energy, experience, and memory connected to every other.
3: 16 ONE will accept the fate of damnation put forth in Nos Liberalis, ONE will put forth organic and sincere altruism, despite damnation, and ONE will distinguish between oppressor and oppressed thus opening the first gate.
3: 17 This gate is the grounding and humbling of the self, the key is the sincerity of altruism and the authentic belief in damnation.
3: 18 The Second gate is the rediscovery of sentience;
AWARENESS is the deep appreciation of the abstract in culture, nature, and a full realization of the natural world’s sanctity, beauty, and mystery. 3: 19 An authentic realization of Earth as a living being, and we as sentients as its consciousness, self-realization, and guard.
3: 20 The third gate is an understanding and ability to alter his or her own consciousness and the consciousness of others.
3: 21 Through altered states perceive and accomplish feats that are extraordinary in the common experience of reality. The ability to heal others physically and emotionally through spiritual power. 3: 22 Additionally, the ability to twist the fabric of reality and perception, to bend the physical laws of nature.