Terms & Symbols
2: 1 Symbols allow for the expression of complex and specific concepts. Additionally, symbols can do this with brevity and if needed secrecy. 2: 2 Symbols are a means of communication for an initiated few. For these reasons any ideology or belief system needs symbolism. 2: 3 The specificity of concepts a symbol can express more efficiently than a word or name becomes clear in the following example. 2: 4 Take the Nos Liberalis term ‘emergence’, the word itself can mean any number of things through any number of contexts. 2: 5 However, if you see this symbol:
it automatically conveys the context and meaning of ‘emergence’ for those that are initiated.
2: 6 Nos Liberalis
Loosely translated as We the Damned. Taken partially from the term libertine, which can mean someone who is immoral.
2: 7 Animus Cloud
Encircles the Bastille at the Dominion. The AC is comprised of the souls of the damned waiting to be reincarnated back into The Bastille.
2: 8 Authentics
A reincarnated individual with both the Capsa and Substancia of their souls together.
2: 9 Capsa
The ‘container’ portion of the soul, although it is the general makeup and personality of the individual it is lacking without the Substancia.
2: 10 Change wave
Any event moving through The Bastille that causes significant changes to The Bastille moving into the future.
2: 11 Dark Monk
Agent of chaos sent by the Creator. Causes suffering and extinction, and enforces the rules of condemnation.
2: 12 Dominion
The portion within The Bastille that contains the emergence and extinction lines of human existence.
2: 13 Emergence
Beginning of Homo Sapiens, the demarcation line between no humans and the first humans. No one can be reincarnated before this line in time.
2: 14 Extinction
End of Homo Sapiens, the demarcation line between humans and no humans. No one can be reincarnated after this line in time.
2: 15 ONE
The Messiah, through the synthesis of many incarnations, learns the power of the original intent, would defeat the Black Monk and pacify the Spirit.
2: 16 Power Elite
The controlling element behind organized society. Extremely wealthy and powerful bloodlines dating back to monarchal Europe.
2: 17 Reincarnation
The re-entering of a soul back into the Dominion, born again for another life.
2: 18 SPs (Stage Props)
An individual reborn without a Substancia. AKA Stage Prop.
2: 19 Substancia
The portion of the soul paired with the Capsa. It fills in the fine strokes of detail of an individual. Adds nuance and personality to the whole. A substancia not connected to a Capsa is a Ghost, spirit, or entity.
2: 20 The Bastille
The ‘tube’ was created in the wake of time, ripping the fabric of space as it created The Bastille. It is within The Bastille that we are condemned. The river bed that was cut by the original flow of time still holds between its banks a forward-moving time steam that we are continuously reincarnated into.
2: 21 The Spirit
The manifestation of the Creator’s power in this dimension. The caretaker of creation and life energy and protector of the sacred.
2: 22 Truth Threads
Remnants, echoes of the original incarnation, when The Bastille at the Dominion was first made. It survives in literature, phenomena, and architecture large rocks in the successive movements of the stream of time.